Equipment and Capabilities
Equipment and Capabilities
Dedicated Student Office Space
- Dedicated space (two lockable offices each with two desks) exists for graduate students in the group (Nuclear Annex).
- Shareable, unsecured space exists for undergraduates in the Nuclear Annex that is accessible when graduate students are in the space (door to Nuclear Annex is typically locked).
Computational Capabilities
- 3 Dell Computers for use by group members in student office space (each assigned primarily to a graduate student) and remotely accessible for use by others when not in use by their primary user.
- Each with 10900k processor, 32 GB RAM, A4000 NVIDIA GPU, and 1 TB NVME Drive
- HiPerGator
- Group has access to 64 CPU cores, a NVIDIA A100 Node (4 NVIDIA 2080 Ti Cards when not available), 4 TB of high-speed storage, and 4 TB of archival storage space.
Laser Equipment
- Coherent Astrella fs laser system
- ~35 fs, 7.1 mJ, and 1 kHz repetition rate
- Continuum Surelite II-10 ns laser system
- ~6 ns, 10 Hz repetition rate
- 800 mJ @ 1064 nm, 300 mJ @ 532 nm, and 80 mJ @ 266 nm
Spectroscopy Equipment
- Princeton Instruments Czerny Turner Spectrograph (HRS500) with 300, 1200, and 2400 g/mm gratings
- Princeton Instruments PIMAX-4 EmICCD 1024×1024 fast-gated camera
- Princeton Instruments PMT Single-Channel Detector
- Catalina Scientific OWL Echelle Spectrograph
- 250-900 nm gap-free measurement range, high-throughput, and CMOS camera
- Wide selection of narrow-bandwidth filters for use with PIMAX4 camera for spatiotemporal resolved spectral images.
General Equipment
- Stanford Research Systems DG645 Delay Generator (X2)
- Stanford Research Systems SR560 Voltage Amplifier
- Lecroy Wavesurfer 4104HD 1 GHz & 5 GS/s Oscilloscope
- Agilent 1 GHz & 5 GS/s Oscilloscope
- NI GPIB USB connector
- Various silicon photodiodes for laser pulse timing
- NIM Bin with associated detection cards
- H3D M100 CZT radiation detector (in-process of acquiring)
- Dell computer on cart in lab for controlling equipment and pre-processing data
- Large selection of laser optics and mounts