
Undergraduate OSN Members Awarded ANS Scholarships

Enrique Medici and Caitlin Martin (OSN Group Members) were awarded American Nuclear Society Scholarships. These awards come with a substantial monetary value along with national recognition of their achievements highlighting their merits and achievements in pursuit of their nuclear engineering… Read More

Enrique Medici Awarded DOE UNLP Scholarship

I am thrilled to extend my congratulations to Enrique Medici for being awarded the prestigious DOE UNLP scholarship. This achievement stands as a testament to his unwavering dedication, exceptional academic prowess, and tireless commitment to excellence. The DOE UNLP scholarship… Read More

Thiago Arnaud Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

We are thrilled to announce that Thiago Arnaud, an exceptional undergraduate member of the Optical Science and Nonproliferation Group, has been awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) award. This highly competitive and prestigious fellowship… Read More

Congrats to Dr. Kwapis on Defending Her Dissertation

Emily Kwapis

OSN PhD Candidate and DoD SMART Scholar Emily Kwapis successfully defended her PhD Disstertation on Feb. 16 titled “OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY AND CHEMICAL DYNAMICS OF LASER ABLATION PLASMAS FOR THE STANDOFF DETECTION OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS.” Her committee consisted of Dr. Kyle… Read More

OSN Group Featured in UF Research Article

The UF lead NNSA Consortium for Nuclear Forensics was featured in the Fall Semester UF Research Explore Magazine where the OSN group was featured along with the MANATEE group lead by Dr. Aitkaliyeva and the TARDIS group lead by Dr.… Read More