About Us

About Us

Kyle C. Hartig, Ph.D.

Prof. Kyle C. Hartig, is an Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, member of the Florida Institute for National Security (FINS) at the University of Florida, and Joint Appointee with Savannah River National Laboratory. Before coming to UF, he spent a year as a Post-Doctoral Scholar at PNNL contributing to remote sensing research in support of two NNSA funded ventures.

Dr. Hartig earned his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) at the University Park, PA campus, which was funded in part by the Nuclear Forensics Graduate Fellowship Program supported by DHS. He received his B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Oregon State University (OrSU).

He has held a number of positions within the Federal Government concerning Counterproliferation and Intelligence topics, and has authored a number of high-level internal publications.

His areas of specialization includes remote sensing, nuclear nonproliferation/counterproliferation, nuclear security, and nuclear policy.

Contact Information


Rhines Hall
549 Gale Lemerand Dr.
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

EMAIL: Kyle.Hartig@UFL.EDU

WEBSITE: https://hartig.mse.ufl.edu

Florida Institute for National Security: http://fins.institute.ufl.edu

Laboratory: 141 Rhines Hall

Current Members

Currently recruiting at least one additional Ph.D. student for Fall 2025.

Cameron Wojtowicz

Ph.D. Student (Admitted Fall 24) – Research focus TBD.

Weslee Kersey (DoD SMART Fellow & U.S. Army Reserve)

Ph.D. Candidate – Research focus on fuel cycle signatures and optical techniques for nuclear forensics.

Justin Borrero (DoD SMART Fellow)

Ph.D. Candidate – Research focused on the prompt phenomena associated with nuclear detonation.

Ava Compitiello (Undergraduate, Freshman)

Paige Anderson (Undergraduate, Senior)

Enrique Medici (Undergraduate, Senior)

Eric Realmuto (Undergraduate, Sophomore)

Past Members

Dr. Kyle S. Latty (DoD SMART Fellow)

Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering 2024 – Research focused on detection of nuclear materials in the environment

Dr. Emily H. Kwapis (DoD SMART Fellow)

Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering 2024 – Research focused on laser produced plasmas as surrogates for detonations and machine learning

Thiago Arnaud (Ph.D. Student Vanderbilt Fall 2024)

Received NSF Graduate Fellowship as a member of the OSN Group (Spring 2024)
B.S. Physics 2024 – Research focused on particle levitation and interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with matter

James Totten (NNSA Graduate Fellow)

Research focused on radio-frequency emissions from detonations

MAJ Christopher “C.J.” Hunter (Army Counterproliferation Officer)

Nuclear Engineering M.S. (2022) – Research focused on machine learning applications for distributed radiation sensors (CTBT/Watchmen) – Presently an Officer at Army 20th CBRNE Command

Jack Morrison

NNSA Defense Programs Federal Employee & NNSA Graduate Fellow 2020-2021 (B.S. 2018 & M.S. 2021)

Matthew Dunbrack

Nuclear Engineering Ph.D. Student at GaTech (B.S. 2019)