
Emily H. Kwapis has published her third paper!

Ph.D. Student and DoD SMART Fellow Emily H. Kwapis has published her third paper titled “Shock Physics and Shadowgraphic Measurements of Laser-Produced Cerium Plasmas” in the journal Optics Express. This paper was co-authored by Maya Hewitt from University of Rochester… Read More

Kyle S. Latty publishes his second paper!

Ph.D. Student and DoD SMART Fellow Kyle S. Latty has published his second paper titled “Elemental fractionation in aerosol laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation” in the journal Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. Permanent Link to… Read More

UF to Lead NNSA Nuclear Forensics Consortium

The Nuclear Engineering Program at UF has been selected to lead the NNSA Nuclear Forensics Consortium. The 5 year, 25 million dollar program involves 16 Universities and ~30 Co-PIs lead by UF. We will establish the Consortium for Nuclear Forensics… Read More

Ph.D. Candidate Kyle Latty Publishes 1st Paper!

Ph.D. Student and DoD SMART Fellow Kyle S. Latty has published his first paper titled “Spatiotemporal plasma-particle characterization of dry aerosols using nanosecond, femtosecond, and filament laser-produced plasmas” in the journal Applied Spectroscopy. Permanent Link to Article Congrats Kyle!

Ph.D. Candidate Emily H. Kwapis publishes 2nd paper!

Ph.D. Student and DoD SMART Fellow Emily H. Kwapis has published her second paper titled “Spectroscopic signatures and oxidation characteristics of nanosecond laser–induced cerium plasmas” in the journal Spectrochimica Acta: Part B Atomic Spectroscopy. This paper was co-authored by SRNL… Read More