

Interested in joining the Optical Science and Nonproliferation Group?

Please see the opportunities tab in the menu above for undergraduate and graduate student research opportunities. As always, feel free to reach out to Prof. Hartig or one of the group members for more information about the group.

Looking to onboard into the group?

Read this first!

Each independent researcher in OSN must complete the OSN Safety Exam. It consists of 3 stages, detailed below. Note that this test is taken at your pace. Meaning you tell the group when you are ready to take each part. NO RUSH.

  • Stage one of the onboarding exam is to complete all necessary training through UFL’s mytraining system, which should be assigned to you automatically, and review all safety related documents contained in the group Dropbox and posted here.
    • Online training found at my.ufl.edu > Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development >myTraining is required to be taken for safety and proper lab conduct. The classes that are required are: EHS833 Laser Safety, EHS861 Chemical Hygiene Plan/LATCH; EHS863 New Researcher Overview of EHS; and EHS809 Hazardous Waste Management. These courses must be completed before work can be done in the lab.
  • Stage two of the onboarding exam is the oral safety examination, which will consist of 2 questions from each of the following areas: Lab Safety (Lab safety manual/safety pamphlet), Laser Safety (UF Laser Safety Manual and Pamphlet), Chemical Hygiene Plan/LATCH, and OSN Standard Procedures Manual.
  • Stage three of the onboarding exam is the in-person quiz, which will consist of a walk through with the laboratory PI Prof. Hartig where a detailed discussion will occur regarding how to safely handle and operate the various equipment in laboratory as well as a demonstration on how to safely setup a laser beamline and experiment (first with laser off and finally with the laser on).
  • Following successful completion of the above items, you will sign the EHS Statement of Laser Training and Experience along with PI Prof. Hartig that will authorize you to work with lasers in the laboratory unsupervised.

More information on the safety exam can be found in 0) OSN Procedures. It is important to read and understand all safety literature. I recommend that you start going over the documents in the order numbered, starting with zero and let Prof. Hartig know when you have processed them.

A copy of the OSN Standard Procedures Manual (with signatures of group members) along with standard operating procedures, hazard assessments, chemical hygiene plan, and training logs (LATCH cover sheet) along with laser safety manual, information sheet, statement of training and experience, and emergency sheet will be kept/posted in the lab.

Safety Related Documents

  1. OSN Lab Standard Procedures Manual
  2. Standard Operating Procedure for Class 4 Lasers in OSN Lab
  3. UF Lab Safety Manual
  4. Laser Safety Manual
  5. Waste Management Guide
  6. Emergency Pamphlet
    1. Emergency Procedures Guide
  7. Chemical Hygiene Plan
  8. Research Misconduct Flyer
  9. Export Control Flyer
  10. MSE Safety Day Activity
  11. EHS Statement of Laser Training and Experience